Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Prepping the Mind, Women Bits, and Soul

I am writing this post at 1:30 am in hopes that I will bore myself to sleep, but all I can think is holy crap-in 2 days we are taking a four hour flight that could lead to a huge change in our lives.

Prepping for the end of the world...

My suitcase has been essentially packed for a week now-which considering what a basket case I am going to be on Wednesday night this is probably a really good thing. I might as well stock up on guns and ammo cause I have enough stuff for the end of the world. I'm really thankful that we are going somewhere warm because swimsuits take up a lot less room than a parka.

I've had little to no sleep since Friday. For those of you who don't know that is now 4 nights ago.  Most people would probably assume I have a case of anxiety, although I continue to argue that point, because for whatever reason I cannot admit to that. Instead, I lay here staring at the humidifier I have set up next to my bed and blame this wretched cold I have been blessed with as an added vacation bonus. As if making a baby won't be hard enough-I get to fight against cracked nostrils, cold sores and sinus pressure that knocks me on my ass. Yippee!

So needless to say my mind is rebelling, my body is rebelling, but at least my soul is pretty well in tact.

A little food for the soul...

We had a "fairwell" dinner at my parent's house on Saturday night for our "get knocked up vacation". One thing I know for sure is my parents are pretty amazing. Each of them in their own unique way has been encouraging and supportive. My mom (who would fully admit she is not the most sentimental) surprised me when she pulled me aside and gave me a beautiful card and an even more beautiful necklace. I've come to think if it as my new good luck charm. She knows I'm anxious/nervous and won't admit it...curse the "mom intuition". My dad/Grandpa Baldy, well let's just say he coined the phrase "knocked up vacation". A little humor goes a long way.

My souls on a roll...the sappy, heartfelt, and emotional (with a touch of snarky) shout out-

I wanted to take an opportunity to again thank all those who have been supportive through this whole roller coaster. To the boss who has been more than generous in giving me this time off and not accepting that "it's not going to work as a response", to my coworkers who listen to my emotional mood swings and relentless talking about this, to the cousin who has agreed to stay at our animal farm, to the friends who are so excited for us and eagerly watch our journey, to the friends who were so generous in offering to board our dogs just because they are amazingly good people, to the family members who worry about us and care about us, to the neighbors who are just plain awesome and know what we are going through, to my sister for being so believable in pretending she cares (totally joking Bean), and to B (even though you don't really have a clue what's going on) for reminding me every day how amazing you are and why I am doing this. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Lastly, to the hubs, I love you...and would you finish packing already! (No seriously-throwing a pile of clothes in a bag and waiting for me to sort through and fold them is not packing)

Next up...."Adventures in In Vito Fertilization"


  1. Good luck!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes :)

  2. Best wishes for your family! I went to school with "hubs" David. He encouraged me to check out your blog & I'm super happy I did. My husband & I recently have been placed on an IVF list & I'm far away from home & not connected closely with family to ever discuss things intimate of this nature. You really hit so many nails on the head & your blog is very reassuring, as we definitely have many things/ideas in common. I hope y'all enjoy your "vacation", & your procedure works in talks favor. Can't wait for your next blog.
