I have always been the "now where did I put my keys" type of girl, but lately I just can't get my shit
together. I am a walking disaster. I drove an hour into work for a meeting that was the following week. Did I also mention that I forgot my laptop that was required for the training? Focusing on the task at hand has been less than easy.
Wanting to enjoy the last bit of baby free time...
I keep thinking that if all goes as planned and we are blessed with a baby, that I will soon have A LOT less free time. I feel like I am in a rush to pack as much into this year as I can. (Cause apparently kids equates to a change in lifestyle-who woulda thought) Sooooo....girls trip to South Beach sounded like a good idea!
I am too old for that shit...
Although I would not take back any time I get to spend with "the twin", that trip just reaffirmed I can't hang like I used to. And I am ok with that. I was lucky enough that it rained the first night since I had had a red-eye into Miami...bedtime at 10 in South Beach...yeah I'm cool like that.We stayed out until 5 am one night and I paid dearly. A full day of recovery by the pool and dinner was all I could muster. (I must say though...the food in Miami is to die for!!) That being said, I have come to the realization I am ok with a little mellow time with the fam.
Now I am back home with a terrible cold that has pretty much rendered me useless.
10 DAYS TILL PESA...please let there be lots of sperm!
One more thing...
If your reading this one could assume you are going through something similar or you care about me enough to follow my blog...so can you take a few minutes and sign this petition...http://wh.gov/l7LVi
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