Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Case of the Ughs

Let the Ughs Begin...
Last week was an extremely difficult week for our family. A murder of a law enforcement officer shocked our family to the core. I didn't personally know the officer, but the hubs and those around me did. The realities and dangers of the hub's job hit like a freight train. It was far too close for easy deniability. Gone are the days of "it won't happen to us" or "those things don't happen here".  We got through the week together and stronger than ever.  There was a sense of ease in knowing that together we can get through even the toughest of trials. This was just more proof of that. It was an eye opening experience, but it allowed for open communication about our desires if something happened to one of us. When I say pull the plug and spread my ashes somewhere (guess I haven't quite worked the whole scenario out), I meant it.

The hits keep coming...
Right about now I am suppose to be nursing the hubs back to health after his PESA and jumping around with excitement about how many vials of sperm they were able to retrieve..yeah that's not happening. The Friday before our Monday morning surgery, the doctor called to reschedule our appointment due to a death in the family. Well we quickly got the procedure rescheduled.

Drum-roll please.......

Our new appointment is Friday the 13th. Yep that's right. It's a good thing I have zero superstition because that would be a seriously bad sign.  The hubs on the other hand is a little less jazzed about the change in date.  Although he's afraid of ghosts too so that's not saying much. 

We go for our IVF consultation on Thursday. We are hoping to narrow down our protocol and plead for an alternative to the progesterone in oil shot.  We get to be drained of more blood and tested for STDs we don't have. Overall it's going to be an exciting visit.


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